e: d.nnns95@gmail.com

My work – very largely influenced by Japanese visual culture – often involves finding or creating alternative means to communicate and/or express oneself, frequently making use of shape and pattern in order to do so. This work includes a number of disciplines such as graphic design, illustration, photography and motion graphics. While generally having an affinity for typography and print design (most especially, book design), my work as of late has also committed to a range of more digital-based fields such as variable font design, sound production, animation, digital publication and various forms of web content.

Anglia Ruskin University – BA Graphic Design
Anglia Ruskin University – MA Graphic Design & Typography

Collective Exhibitions
CAST – Ruskin Gallery, Cambridge School of Art | 2019 – Cambridge, UK
Tomorrow's People: Break Free – The Hospital Club London | 2017 – London, UK
The Bee's Knees – Ruskin Gallery, Cambridge School of Art | 2017 – Cambridge, UK
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